Erotesque Magazine

The theme is Erotic and Grotesque thus Erotesque.
Welcoming Illustrators, Writers and Photographers.



Panel 1

Japanese Context

Brief History of the term Ero-Guro where it came from and how it was used in 1920s Japan and how is it is used in modern Japan.  Describe also the definitions of the words Erotic and Grotesque and the etymology of the words to show how the modern meanings have lost their beauty and sensuality and why I choose to use this words not to describe vulgar human acts but to show the beauty in the complexity of the human emotions when you are repressed and not able to express your emotions in a openly sensual way, you are then forced to hide it or to be ashamed but you should never be ashamed of what you are. Only of whom you hurt.  The desire to gaze upon another, to touch them but to be isolated and trapped within the physical form that prevents you from reaching another. That to me is the essence of erotic grotesque, the agony of the beauty of desire how it can be destructive as the human mind invents ways to obtain what it desires.

What the term means to me and why I use it to describe my genre of writing.

We created Erotesque because we want to create a space that won’t limit, but promote self-expression. This magazine is for all who need a cathartic space to share their scars. We will not promote art that is intended to harm or victimize others. We open this space for those whose creative efforts are labeled as taboo, weird, or unacceptable by the mainstream. Erotesque is also an LGBTQIA friendly space – we welcome all who want a home for their creativity. We will not turn anyone away because of their race, creed, religion, sexual – orientation, gender, or age. ‘Take off the masks society demands and be yourself!’, those who dare are those we open our arms to at Erotesque.

Panel 2


Erotesque is always looking for new collaborators and contributors. Works of all different lengths, medium, and focus are welcome. If you would like to work with us and help flush out the boundaries of Ero-Guro, read the information below and get in touch!

Keep our Mission Statement in mind

We created Erotesque because we want to create a space to promote self-expression. This magazine is for all who need a cathartic space to share their scars. We will not promote art that is intended to harm or victimize others.  We open this space for those whose creative efforts are labeled as taboo, weird, or unacceptable by the mainstream. Erotesque is also an LGBTQIA friendly space – we welcome all who want a home for their creativity. We will not turn anyone away because of their race, creed, religion, sexual – orientation, gender, or age.

Respect Life in all forms

No Trigger Warnings (Please don’t read if you’re offended) 

Artwork does not need to be politically correct


Graphic Novels | Animation


Micro Fiction, Flash Fiction, Short Stories

Poetry, Prose Poetry


Previously Published works are accepted

Submission Guidelines

In the same document file saved with your last name or artist name: Example: VANN.docx

Include your name, e-mail address, Author Bio, Intentions of your art piece and your source of inspiration, your Muse

(optional) Also include any websites of yours so that we can help promote you!

You Will Submit